What is Spark?
Spark is a free newsletter from me, Elizabeth Marro, that explores life through the lens of what we are reading and writing. Every other Saturday morning, you’ll find a themed issue with essays, book recommendations, interviews, a growing network of resources for readers and writers, and more. Most of all, you’ll find something that makes you think/laugh/wonder and a tribe of bookish folks and writers to talk it over with.
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Regular features
Links to curated suggestions for your TBR lists, short reads, new books, new voices, and new ways of telling stories
Book reviews and giveaways
Interviews with authors (and sometimes their dogs)
Spark was designed to evolve with its readers. Your ideas are welcome! Just write me at elizabethmarro@substack.com, leave a comment, or reach out on social media. I want to hear from you.
What subscribers say
“Betsy’s writing is beautiful , thoughtful, often induces introspection and sometimes laughter and/or serenity. It is a must for book lovers!” - Janice McFarland, reader and member of four book clubs.
“Spark has an intimate, personal feel to it. No matter the topic, each newsletter openly shares an emotional response to the topic or topics. Sometimes I giggle; sometimes I cry; sometimes I nod my head; always I make some sort of emotional connection. I also love learning about new (or new to me) authors.” - Lisa Stice, Poet
“Betsy's stories are the strength of this newsletter. She shares her experiences, hopes, doubts, and fears with honesty and humor. Reading Spark is like enjoying coffee or a drink with the author, who, whatever dilemma she is dealing with, is always generous and reassuring.” -Andrew Merton, author
“Spark delivers on its process. I come away from it inspired, lit up by new ideas or thought-provoking questions. More than that, I feel part of a larger constellation of people who think deeply, read widely, and approach each day with curiosity.- Shelley Marie Motz, Founder of Sift.Shift.Lift.
About Me
I write. My first novel, CASUALTIES (Berkley, February 2016) is the story of Ruth Nolan, a successful defense industry executive who must face the consequences of her choices when her son returns from war altered in ways neither of them expected. My second novel is underway. You’ll find my writing at the San Diego Union Tribune, LiteraryMama.com among other places and can hear me read a story about one of my most embarrassing moments here.
You can also find me on Facebook and on Instagram at @egmarro_spark.
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