What a terrific interview with Ari Hornavar and fascinating feature on her and her work. She's an amazing young woman doing such important work. As for me: writers who influenced: how I loved poetry as a young writer and e e cummings taught me you could break the rules; Annie Dillard was an early hero (still is). I love she said about the student who asked the "famous writer" if they (the student) could be a writer. "I don't know," the 'famous writer' said, "do you like sentences?" My list could go on and on and is added to each time I discover someone new (to me). Thanks for another excellent Spark that always fires up my Saturday mornings.

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I am not into dark fiction about the grim side of life, so I will pass. I say this whilst recognising that grief and trauma are loved by some writers and readers. My life has had enough without wanting to read about it. What got me into writing was the belief that I was as good as many out there who are making a success of it. The difference between us being their 100% commitment and willingness to chase every opportunity whilst I have other lives I enjoy as well as writing. I have said before I’m sure that when it comes to inspiration, that for me, nothing has ever bettered chapter 8 of Alan Sillitoe’s ‘Birthday’. Avril and Arthur at the kitchen sink peeling apples. Love, life, with the end of both in sight... Robert Howard 🐰

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What a great interview Betsy. I haven't heard of this book before, but it sounds really interesting. Reading about or listening to an interview with an author makes the reading experience so much better.

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I love your blog so much!

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You are a terrific writer.

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